I remember that evening in 1980, in front of the old TV set at home, watching the ceremony in awe. I especially remember the farewell to mascot Misha, who ascended to heaven in the house from the animated film "UP." It wasn't a farewell, but a "see you later." This time, the bear has changed a lot in 44 years. Yes, nothing stays the same. This drawing is the second for the group exhibition at the CLAP Marciac 2024 Festival. The theme for these 20 years is All Fired Up! It ties in with the passage of the flame through Marciac on May 18, the 1st day of the Show, and the Olympic year.
"Chiripero" (a bunch of chiripas or little roaches)
Note: was the name given to a heterogeneal political
coalition that raised the candidacy of Rafael Caldera for the
venezuelan President elections of 1993...
Any resemblance with reality is purely coincidental
If some of them were missing, it is because they were at the bottom of the box fighting some spaghetti scraps with the weevils and that is why they did not appear in the photo. Joking aside, there is no denying that they are faithful to their colleagues...
A touching brotherhood separated by the “Atlantic Puddle.”
Steve Bell and The Windsor Tapestry by Leonardo Rodríguez, 2023
This is my piece in the collective exhibition of
Steve Bell, called: "Windsor Tapestry"
"42ème Salon International de la Caricature, du Dessin
de Presse et d’Humour" 2023!
Saint-Just-le-Martel, France.

This year 2024, the CLAP Marciac Cartoon Festival coincides with the
Olympic torch passing through the site.
I still remember the Tokyo 2020 opening ceremony which at times had a near "pre-post-war" feel to it with the COVID-19 theme still present. For me it was the first major world event without my mother, with all that that entailed. But here we are in 2024 with old conflicts turned into new wars, as if that wasn't enough to put us through.
This year it is the turn of the city that welcomed me 24 years ago in this old Europe of which I feel part. For this year's Marciac festival, we were asked for drawings alluding to the Olympic theme. For me, it was inevitable to relate it to the war theme? Could it be that we already have a "world war" for quotas? It seems that it is slowly measuring its steps in slow motion.
One of my two drawings represents an anonymous carrier pigeon as in the times of the "Great War", that war of those new machines and the old empires. This carrier pigeon rolls up her sleeves with her olive branch to arrive in spite of everything to that last relay of Paris 2024.
In this war of flying drones, this messenger has no choice but to be one more warrior... in one more war in this "little blue dot" in space.
Peace failure
Boris Johnson and Brexit
Emmanuel Macron Paris wins. After several months of hesitation, Emmanuel Macron chose the capital to host the future House of Press and Satirical Drawing...Instead of Limoges or Saint-Just-le Martel.
Al Jaffee
Angela Merkel
Emmanuel Macron and "The Bodyguard" Alexandre Ben Alla
Nicolás Maduro elecction
Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin ( Helsinki Summit )
Willy Grasshopper and the Beast
( Farm Animal version, current project )
Napoleon pig, Venezuela
( Farm Animal version, current project )
Pig riding a dunkie
( Farm Animal version, current project )
Goldman Sachs and Venezuela
( Farm Animal version, current project )
Three little pigs's topless
HChavez, Fidel / Jean-Marie Le Pen and Bruno Mégret
by Leonardo Rodríguez
George W Bush
by Leonardo Rodriguez