I remember that evening in 1980, in front of the old TV set at home, watching the ceremony in awe. I especially remember the farewell to mascot Misha, who ascended to heaven in the house from the animated film "UP." It wasn't a farewell, but a "see you later." This time, the bear has changed a lot in 44 years. Yes, nothing stays the same.  This drawing is the second for the group exhibition at the CLAP Marciac 2024 Festival. The theme for these 20 years is All Fired Up! It ties in with the passage of the flame through Marciac on May 18, the 1st day of the Show, and the Olympic year.

 "Chiripero" (a bunch of chiripas or little roaches) 
Note: was the name given to a heterogeneal political
 coalition that raised the candidacy of Rafael Caldera for the
venezuelan President elections of 1993...
Any resemblance with reality is purely coincidental

If some of them were missing, it is because they were at the bottom of the box fighting some spaghetti scraps with the weevils and that is why they did not appear in the photo. Joking aside, there is no denying that they are faithful to their colleagues... 
A touching brotherhood separated by the “Atlantic Puddle.”
Funny image of a man with roaches in a box

Steve Bell and The Windsor Tapestry by Leonardo Rodríguez, 2023

This is my piece in the collective exhibition of
 Steve Bell, called: "Windsor Tapestry" 
 "42ème Salon International de la Caricature, du Dessin
 de Presse et d’Humour" 2023!
 Saint-Just-le-Martel, France. 


  This year 2024, the CLAP Marciac Cartoon Festival coincides with the
 Olympic torch passing through the site.

  I still remember the Tokyo 2020 opening ceremony which at times had a near "pre-post-war" feel to it with the COVID-19 theme still present. For me it was the first major world event without my mother, with all that that entailed. But here we are in 2024 with old conflicts turned into new wars, as if that wasn't enough to put us through.

  This year it is the turn of the city that welcomed me 24 years ago in this old Europe of which I feel part. For this year's Marciac festival, we were asked for drawings alluding to the Olympic theme. For me, it was inevitable to relate it to the war theme? Could it be that we already have a "world war" for quotas? It seems that it is slowly measuring its steps in slow motion.

  One of my two drawings represents an anonymous carrier pigeon as in the times of the "Great War", that war of those new machines and the old empires. This carrier pigeon rolls up her sleeves with her olive branch to arrive in spite of everything to that last relay of Paris 2024.

 In this war of flying drones, this messenger has no choice but to be one more warrior... in one more war in this "little blue dot" in space.

"From Russia with love" Vladimir Putin and War in Ukraine
Watercolor caricature of Vladimir Putin driving a war tank an threatening the dove of peace dove with two bags.  This image reminiscent of the gentleman stopping the tank in Tiananmen Square protests,1989

Peace failure
watercolor caricature of a strange peace dove with a Nevile Chamberlain looking trying to stop the war over a sea of blood

"The big...Head"
watercolor editorial illustration of Vladimir Putin as the Chaplin's Great Dictator.  Putin is playing with his head as the terraqueous globe that also looks like an atomic explosion

Boris Johnson and Brexit
Watercolor caricature of Boris Johnson sinking with a Boat called Brexit.  He's holding back the UK yellow star of the Eupean Union.Leonardo Rodríguez-caricaturista en españa

Emmanuel Macron Paris wins. After several months of hesitation, Emmanuel Macron chose the capital to host the future House of Press and Satirical Drawing...Instead of Limoges or Saint-Just-le Martel.
Watercolor caricature of Emmanuel Macron riding a sort of Rocket as a frech cowboy waving a Napoleon hat.  It's a gag of Dr Strangelove

Al Jaffee
Illustration artist-Leonardo Rodríguez. caricaturas en barcelona

Ilustración en acuarela de la silueta lateral de un inmigrante caminando por un camino rural a contraluz de una puesta de sol al lado de una cerca de palos. Su sombra tiene forma de prisionero sosteniéndose de los barrotes.

Angela Merkel
Watercolor caricature of Angela Merkel

Emmanuel Macron and "The Bodyguard" Alexandre Ben Alla
watercolor caricature of Emmanuel Macron holded by his bodyguard while he walk over a bunch of people.  It's a gag of the filme The Bodyguard

Nicolás Maduro elecction
Caricatura en acuarela de Nicolás Maduro.  La imagen representa al personaje fusionado con una urna electoral del CNE.  Con la mano derecha sostiene una caja CLAP de donde salen dos cucarachas con la cara dos otros candidatos y con la otra señala a su boca enorme para que metan su voto dentro.
Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin ( Helsinki Summit )
Caricatura en acuarela de Donald Trump y Vladimir Putin sobre un campo de futbol.  Trump le sotiene el paraguas y Putin sostiene un balón.

Willy Grasshopper and the Beast
 ( Farm Animal version, current project )
Caricatura en acuarela de un un saltamontes violinista tocando al lado de la oreja de un enorme perro rabioso vestido de guardia antidisturbios

Napoleon pig, Venezuela
 ( Farm Animal version, current project )
Watercolor Caricature of Napoleon, the pig from Anila Farm holding a mallet with a menacing look in a dark background

Santiago de León de Caracas
Watercolor illustration of a standing lion with a Venezuelan Flag holding a shelter of Santiago cross.

Our Little Prince
Watercolor illustration of a young teenayer alone in a small planet as "The Little Prince" in B-612 planet..  It's about one of the boys killed by police in Venezuela in 2017 riots.

Pig riding a dunkie 
 ( Farm Animal version, current project )
Caricatura en acuarela de un cerdito con gafas y enorme sombrero parecido a Raúl Castro montando un Burro parecido a Nicolás Maduro

Goldman Sachs and Venezuela
 ( Farm Animal version, current project )
Watercolor caricature of a smiling Goldman Sachs vulture on a grave's cross. We can see a lot graves with Venezuelan Flags. It's about trading with tragedy of Venezuelan riots death of 2017.

Three little pigs's topless
Caricatura en acuarela de 3 cerditos rechonchos vestidos como guardias nacionales.   Mientras se levantan las camisas mostrando las tetillas desde el pantalón se asoman armas disparando.  Es una representación de la represión policial en Venezuela en las protestas de 2017.

HChavez, Fidel / Jean-Marie Le Pen and Bruno Mégret
by Leonardo Rodríguez
Caricatura de Fidel Castro en un atril con micrófono mientras en primer plano un rechoncho escolar pionero cubano con la cara de Hugo Chávez da un encendido discurso con un loro en el midrófono.  Atras hay una ventanilla de una cárcel llena de presos.caricature of two men on a stage.  One big fat man ( Jean-Marie Le Pen ) is ranting while kneeling on a stool with his pants down and farting.  The other is a tiny man ( Bruno Megret ) holds a lighter pointed at the big man's butt.  The fire forms the image of the French far-right party, "Le Front National".

George W Bush
by Leonardo Rodriguez
caricature of man ( George W Bush ) dressed as a 17th century quaker with a big white wig full of street graffiti and a beauty pageant crown on top.  He is holding cheerleader pom-poms and a sash that reads Miss Black America 2002.

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