43ème Salon de l'Humour et du Centre International de la Caricature, du Dessin de Presse et d'Humour.
Saint-Just-le-Martel 2024.
This is my sixth consecutive participation in the biggest festival in France. Live caricature in watercolor requires a lot of preparation, a lot of work beforehand. It is like Taichi in terms of studying the procedure slowly, step by step.
Ire Recontre de la Caricature
This year I had the task of designing the poster for the past Festival de Festival "OSMOSE DE LA CARICATURE" de Saint-Jean-de-Sixt. I have also been asked to bring a Hispanish team to the festival. Thème : Rock'n'Roll Altitude - Samedi 25 et dimanche 26 mai 2024
( del 6 de junio al 6 de julio de 2024.)
Probablemente de las iniciativas más interesantes en las que he participado en Barcelona, donde el objetivo era llevar a la galería las estás piezas de humor gráfico y caricatura. Un "Arte Menor" en la opinión de cierta "aristocracia" del Arte y el diseño. Como dato curioso, la gente que se acercó, se dio cuenta de lo que hacíamos y de su significado, y para eso el contacto con el público era clave. Una mención aparte para el gran maestro del diseño, Santiago Pol a quien le agradecemos infinitamente sus palabras y su colaboración. Gracias a Eva por recibirnos en su programa en La Isidreta, gracias a TVE3 por acercarse y mostrar lo que hacíamos. Una cosa que ya sabemos es que esto es una carrera de media y larga distancia y que la corta vida de un mes de una exposición quizá no vea... Pero sí una luz al final del túnel que verán las próximas muestras... Solo hay que seguir adelante.
He tenido el honor de participar con ilustres colegas
Photo: Marinela Nardi, Antonio Antunes, Ramses Morales, David Pablo Pugliese, Rosa Gomez y Juan Carlos ( Quei15BNA) Wimar Verdecia, Laura Seco...
Grateful to be one of the 4 guestspeakers of Eurocature 2023, Vienna, Austria.
Thanks to the organizers and all my colleagues.
Live caricature to my colleague Federico Cecchin ( Italy)This was the last drawing of 3rd day.
Some pictures during my speech
With my colleague: Arnd Hawlina (Germany)
With my colleage: Maurice Zabuski (France)With My colleague Daniel Stieglitz ( Germany)
The other two pictures show a detail of his fantastic "Last Supper".
With Valentin Chibrit (Rumania)
...And Ruxi Chibrit (Rumania)With Michael Pleesz, from Austria ( Guest speaker)
With Kiko Yamada, from USA ( Guest speaker)
With Denis ZilBer, from Israel ( Guest speaker)
Leonardo Rodríguez INSTAGRAM
With my colleague Phil DecressacWith my colleague Jacques Sondron
41ème Salon International de la Caricature, du Dessin de Presse et d'Humour
Centre Permanet, Saint-Just-Le-Martel, France 2022
Poster designed by Patrick Chappatte
Vladimir Kazanevsky ( Ukraine ) and Gatis Šļūka ( Latvia )...and Me ( Venezuela-Spain)
Two MAD Magazine artist: Peter Kuper and Leonardo Rodríguez
With Antonio Antunes
With Phillipe MoineWith Nol Hetv
With Guy Hennequin
Festival de la Caricature, du Dessin d'Humour et de Presse
Saint-Jean-de-Sixt, France 2022
With my colleague Phil Decressac
40ème Salon International de la Caricature, du Dessin de Presse et d'Humour
Centre Permanet, Saint-Just-Le-Martel, France 2021
It's a honor to be a part of the 40 anniversary, Thanks!
Bell Brochette
"This catalogue, compiled for an exhibition of the same name, was written edited and translated by Olivier Auvray. The exhibition 'Bell Brochette - Les Presidents de la Republique francaise vus par Steve Bell' which took place in October 2020 was part of the 39th annual Festival of caricature at the Centre International de la Caricature, du Dessin de Presse et d'Humour in St Just Le Martel near Limoges in France. The magnificent cover drawing of Bell is reproduced by kind permission of the artist Leonardo Rodriguez"
(Extract) Published by Olivier Auvray, December 2020 (paperback, 124 pages)
With My colleague Hajo Saad the great sirian cartoonist...and a good dancer!
With my colleague the great Alain Nalair from Limoges,France,
I missed last year but finally I did his watercolor one!
With my colleague, from Calais, France, the great Jean-Michel Renault.
My old friends Maria J Baez
She was my old teacher...I mean, the old days of Design Institute in the early 90s in Caracas
With my colleague Ali Hambra, a great cartoonist, musician and a winner over live challenges.
One for Mohamad!
Dear visitors
One of the volunteers, Monsieur Jean, Salut!!! ;) ;)
Honored to participate with great artists as
Joe Bonfim, Steve Bell, Sergio Vallejo and and Jan Op De Beeck
With my dear colleague Joe Bonfim, cartoonist and musician...
Stay tuned for his next album.
WORLD PRESS CARTOON 2021, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal.
This year I was invited to participate as a member of the international jury of the WORLD PRESS CARTOON 2021 with Chirstine Trax (France) Yugoslav Vlahovic (Serbia) Joao Alpuim Botelho and the president Antonio Antunes (Portugal) Caldas da Rainha, Portugal.
39ème Salon International de la Caricature, du Dessin de Presse et d'Humour
Centre Permanet, Saint-Just-Le-Martel, France 2020
This was my virtual participation from Barcelone.
Thanks to all the people of the Festival!! You made it!!
Thanks to Xavier Dauga and our 16 colleagues for being our victims!
Back (from Left to Right)
Olivier Becombres BIDU, Joe Bonfim, Simon Garcia, Philippe ENO,
Eric Laplace PLACIDE, Ali Hambra, Roger Tisselin ROTH
Middle ( from Left to Right)
MARILO, Chistophe Lagarde JETHRO, Dominique Lemarié,
Yann Poquet ZENO, Placide's cow 2020, Steve Bell
Front ( from Left to Right)
Philippe Moine, Jacques Pesso, Xavier Dauga and Ed Wexler
Thanks for the COVID-19 AWARD!!!! hehehe
38ème Salon International de la Caricature, du Dessin de Presse et d'Humour
Centre Permanet, Saint-Just-Le-Martel, France 2019
"La remise du Prix du Club de La Presse du Limousin en partenariat avec le Salon du dessin de presse et de la caricature de Saint-Just s'est déroulée cet après-midi.
Le jury composé de trois bénévoles du Salon, Françoise Prévosteau, Alain Morelon, Damien Bielsa, également responsable de l'Ecole des Justins (école de dessin du Salon) ainsi que Denis Granger, administrateur du Club de la Presse et Anne-Marie Muia, présidente du Club, a dû choisir entre 24 dessins."
Le gagnant de la couverture de l'agenda 2020 (et d'une page intérieure) est : Kak. Une mention coup de coeur a été attribuée à Leonardo Rodriguez.
Bozouls, 5e Rencontres de la caricature et de l’humour
Bozouls, Aveyron. France
Caricatura en acuarela hecha en vivo
Festival de caricaturas de Bozouls 2018
Caricatura hecha al colega Phillipe Moine

Caricatura mutua con mi colega Devo
Bozouls, 4e Rencontres de la caricature et de l’humour
Bozouls, Aveyron. France
Caricatura en vivo en el festival de caricaturas de Bozouls 2017
Organizador del evento, el hombre orquesta!!! Franck Mezy
Caricatura hecha al colega y co-presidente del festival DAF
Caricatura en vivo en acuarela en el marco de la primera Asamblea de la Asociación Española de caricaturistas en Madrid. El modelo fué mi colega francés Jean-Marc Borot
Caricaturas en vivo para evento de Booking en la terraza del Museo D'Historia de Barcelona
Caricaturas en vivo en la Sala Apolo de Barcelona
para el evento Churros con Chocolate
OCT Europe 2017
Resumen del trabajo mas reciente de caricatura en vivo para tiendas Nike y Levi's
LEVI'S Store CC Sant Cugat
LEVI'S Store CC L'Illa
LEVI'S Store CC La Maquinista
NIKE Store CC La Maquinista
NIKE Store CC Diagonal Mar
NIKE Store CC L'Illa
LEVI'S Store Castelldefels